



           The 106th canton fair will be opened in A district, B Area, C District of Pazhou Hall (Yuejiangzhong Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China No. 380) on October 15, organized in three phases. The whole duration of the fair will continue for 21 days , each exhibition to maintain 5 days, to replace the exhibition for 3 days and the clothing time adjusted to 18:00. Please notice that the number assigned to our Group have a slight change,you can learn the actual number from the attachment . 
           The Canton Fair will be held in three phases (Phase I: October 15 to 19; the exchange dates of phase I: October 20 to 22; Phase II: October 23 to 27; the exchange dates of phase II: October 28 to 30;Phase III: October 31 to November 4. ) The negotiate time: 9:30  to 18:00. In order to make a full preparation for the exhibition, Please take attentions as follows: 
          First, the allocation of booths and formal representations, 
          Our group own 20 booths including 12 booths of Special equipment for clothing , 4 for home textile, 2 for shoes, 1 for personal care appliances and 1 for bathroom supplies. The formal representations:6 persons for phase II, and 48 for phase III.

    Second, preparation of samples,
          We require that all participating departments should to select advantageous, special and high-quality new products in the preparation of samples. The trademark uniform application of company logos which high-end cashmere products with 'Fen Na Er', and other categories of clothing products with ' Jia Bo '.Thus we can effectively prevent counterfeit and shoddy goods exhibitors, thereby  to safeguard the company's reputation. At the same time, we must strictly be taken to avoid trademark infringement. According to the notice of China Textile Import and Export Chamber, the business who breached the Trademark Law and the General Assembly ,infringed trademark and patent business, will received criticism or disqualified.
        Third, The work of lay booth 
          The request about Booth Allocation and Special equipment requirements maintain the previous. The Canton Fair demanded that the booths included two sub-booths require a special decoration , it will be designed and arranged by the company's office as a whole . Cost repartition  by the participating departments. 
      Our group own 12 booths of Special equipment for clothing , 2 for shoes ,4 for home textile. In order to improve the company's overall image and to response to the brand strategy  of  the canton fair, we decided to have a special decoration in 3.1F02 to 07 ,3.1E38 to 43 (12) ,5.2B39 to 40 (2 ) ,15.1I30 to 31 (2) and 15.1J12 to 13 (2), and others decorated with standard.  The  Convention Center requested to display samples before 12 on October 30 evening. Then,Companies required exhibit staff registrated at October 29 and to lay booth at October 30.
          Fourth, The cost of Autumn Fair (106th) shared according to the proportional of booths and participated stuff. Round-trip ticket ordering handled by Nan Zheng in a united. We decided that subsidies for 10,000 ¥ for each booth (first post-harvest back) to reduce the cost of participating departments。 
          Fifth, General Manager's Office led by the deputy general manager Qian Yong Ping. 
          Sixth, About the Preparatory work of Autumn Fair , please to Contact with Nan Zheng. Not entirely matters further notice